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Building Choreography Sagas in Kalix

By Renato Cavalcanti

In this webinar, we will explore how to implement an event-driven Choreography Saga in Kalix using Kalix Entities and Action Subscriptions.

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Building Orchestration Sagas with Kalix Workflow

By Renato Cavalcanti

This webinar will delve into the process of crafting an efficient Orchestration Saga in Kalix, taking advantage of Kalix Workflows.

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Seamless Local Development and Swift Feedback Cycles with Kalix

By Eduardo Pinto

In this webinar, we will delve into the recent enhancements in Kalix, showcasing its features that expedite the application building and deployment process.

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Designing Event-first Microservices

By Jonas Bonér

In this talk, we will explore the nature of events, what it means to be event-driven, and how we can unleash the power of events and commands by applying an events-first domain-driven design to microservices-based architectures.

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Is Your Platform Ready for AI

By Hugh McKee

This session will examine the role of AI-ready platforms in streamlining development workflows and enhancing collaboration between human developers and AI assistants.

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Climbing the Ladder of Abstraction

By Jonas Bonér

2022 may have been the year of Kubernetes and cloud native, but 2023 will be the year that all companies, not just those with the budgets to build an enormous talent base of advanced developers, leverage the transformative power of these technologies.

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Introducing Code-First Java SDK for Kalix

By Renato Cavalcanti

With the Code-first Java SDK, developers encode their application using plain Java code. Kalix is then capable of scanning the code and generating all metadata it needs to deploy the user application and expose its endpoints.

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Event-driven Evolution: How Can We Harness Kalix to Build Micro Mind Services?

By Hugh McKee

This webinar is for software developers, engineers, and technology enthusiasts eager to investigate the possibilities of Micro Minds and the Kalix ecosystem.

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Advanced View Queries in Kalix

By Renato Cavalcanti

Learn how to build a View based on different tables that are in turn populated by multiple entities and event sources.

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Time and Quantity-Based Window Aggregations in Streaming Data Pipelines Using Kalix

By Alan Klikić

In this webinar we are going to show how simple it is to implement stateful aggregations using Kalix.

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Mastering Kalix Views

By Renato Cavalcanti

In this webinar we will cover how Kalix Views work under the hood. You will get a good understanding of its mechanics and how view data is loaded, indexed and retrieved in Kalix.

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Actions: The Synaptic Relay that Binds Event-Driven Kalix Services

By Hugh McKee

Entities, views, and actions are the three fundamental components used to create Kalix serverless services.

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Kalix Event Driven Design Patterns

By Hugh McKee

In this session, learn the mechanics of message passing and processing and how this will drive the design process of event-driven service systems.

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How to Secure your Services with Kalix Security

By Michael Nash

Learn how to secure your Kalix service easily and how Kalix security can handle the most demanding security requirements.

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Event Driven Architecture Made Easy with Kalix and JavaScript

By Alan Klikić

In this session we will demonstrate how really simple it is to build, test and run an event driven services with Kalix and JavaScript.

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How to Build Serverless Event-Driven Microservice Systems With Kalix

By Hugh McKee

This session will dive into using Kalix to design and develop reliable, high-performance microservice systems using event-driven processing patterns. You will learn how Kalix enables you to easily take CQRS and event-sourcing to the next level into fully event-driven processing flows.

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Kalix Review - How It Works & How To Use It

By Hugh McKee

In this session, we will examine how the Kalix platform simplifies dev and ops, and we will also look at some ways you can build services with Kalix.

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Building Highly Scalable IoT Digital Twins with Kalix

By Alan Klikić

In this session we will demonstrate how really simple it is to build, test and run an IoT digital twin based service with Kalix.

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Kalix: Tackling the Cloud to Edge Continuum

By Jonas Bonér

Cloud Native today is a thriving ecosystem of products driving innovation in many areas. But is proving to be quite complex, skills are limited, and dev teams are drowning in how, where, when, and even why to make use of it all.

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